Wednesday, July 24

i 'mind-blown' my innocent friend... teeheee~~~

what a very beautiful day today.....
it's raining and i like it! i love cold and wet day.... i feel calm when it's rainy day...
oh, wait! that is not my intention to post about here.

all i wanna tell you guys is.... i 'mind-blown' my 'very innocent' friend with yaoi! (not a hard one jor..... I just have the shonen ai only, no smuts and lemons at all. i like something cute and romantic, and funny......)

it was such a boring day in class that day. the teacher didn't come, so we did our own work....
then my friend asked...
"hey, you got some cool vids to watch? i'm totally bored right now."

me: *evil idea* i might have a few.....  come, let's watch together!

and so..... i let her watch a few..... heheheh! at first, she's like...
"awwhhh~ so cute! awwhh~~"
*note: she didn't know what yaoi is.... i just didn't tell her at all*


i just let out my plastic face at first... then i showed her this doujin named 'GATTINO NATE IWASENAI' *if i'm not mistaken....*
gattino nante iwasenai ( just soft yaoi, no smuts)
friend: what the story about?
me: just shush and watch it.... *evil grin >:D*
friend: okay.... you sure nothing 'special' here?
me: just watch it already..

and then, the *almost* last part came.... *i'm not going to spoil it. if you wanna know, just search it on youtube...then you will know....*, she let out a loud scream, shocked. And i sat there, laughing and clapping like a retarded seal seeing her reaction.

friend: Asdgafgdutflksgdfjkasdfgasdjkfgasugfg!!!!!!!!!! YOU ASSHOLE!!!! GRAAAHH!!!!! YOU SHOW ME THIS CRAP? WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!????


me: just wanna messing up with your 'innocent' mind actually...... *ran away, laughing and did some epic dance...*
friend: there goes my mind...YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS CRAP!!!!
me: make me, like i'm going to pay it.... ahahahahahhah!!!!

oh dear, it's quite fun and funny to teased her like that. sorry friend, don't kill me, kay?
that's all i can share here with you guys.
and before that.... here's some cute pics....

holy roman empire and chibitalia.......

byebye sweetie pies....
toodle doo!

Friday, July 5

I'm not like that, omoyarou (assholes)!!!!!!

what a cold day today (i'm not feeling so well, that is why i'm feeling cold! ><**)
at school just now, they have a talk about social problems among teenagers.
they invited some ustaz (s) and policemen for the talk.

so, here's what happens next.....
the police guy was giving a talk and suddenly the slide shows some goth punks pictures.....

police: so you know, that's what they call goths...very troublesome punksters to us......
me: ........uh, what?.....


all my classmates look at me, give such an annoying look and one my besties said..
le friend: "hey, that's you in that picture!"
hey, that's you!!!



aaannndd....they laughed at my reaction and i heard some stink mouth talking bad and ridicule me for my style......
 Oh god...why? i'm not that kind of goth! I'm more to EGA (elegant gothic aristocrat), EGL (elegant gothic lolita) and J-rockers style (v-kei).... how can I explain this shits to them.... *sigh*. please don't misjudge me for my style.....i'm not a bad person. i just like something different than normal things....

now, i do feel like to kill myself. *shipiak!*
okay, here's the thing. my Principe here is, 'IF I DON'T DISTURB YOUR PERSONAL LIFE, SO DON'T DISTURB MINE', deal?
oh dear.....
that's all i can post here. till next time.
*now i wanna go and sit in an emo corner, surrounded with sad souls and spirits....*